Pastoral Support
We have very strong pastoral support at Guston School, our open door policy aims to ensure all children and their families feel comfortable to come in and talk to us about issues that are concerning them.
When family members are deployed, we support them in a range of ways. This could be offering children opportunities to talk with a trusted adult if helpful, writing to their Dads or Mums whilst away or Teachers writing to keep them up to date with school news.
We are lucky enough to have a Governor who is a serving member of The Royal Gurkha Rifles adn well as stong linke swth the chain of command, this enables the school to be up to date with MOD news and issues.
We link closely with other schools with Service children and attend conferences to address issues affecting them. Our Headteacher, Deby Day has been involved in arranging a Pupil Voice’ conference for all Service Pupils in Kent and sits on the Kent and Medway Children and Youth Sub Group for Service children.