Willow Class (Reception) 2023 - 2024




                                                                           Welcome to  Willow Class


Throughout the year the children will be developing their skills and knowledge through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This is divided into two interconnected areas; the Prime and the Specific. The Prime areas of learning are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. The Specific areas of learning are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and the Expressive Arts and Design.

Observing children’s interests is the basis for planning topic themes as this is how young children learn best, through activities that they can make sense of and be inspired by to be curious investigators. This is balanced with teacher directed  topic introductions, such as  celebrations, traditional tales, people who help us. This widens children’s knowledge of their own immediate world.


                                                                                     Term 6


We hope you all enjoyed the half term break and are now looking forward to being back in Willow Class for Term 6. I can not believe how fast this year has gone!!!!

.All the adults in Willow Class and looking forward to sharing the children's last term in Yr. R

Below is some general class information for Term 6.

This Term the Children will begin their learning linked to the Traditional Tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. They will be Looking at who is in the story, where the story is set and answering why questions.

Please look at the Term 6 Learning Journey ( Class page ) for further areas of learning that will be covered this Term.

Sports Day

Willow's will take part i Sports Day on the 26th June ( further information to follow )


The Willow Class will be joing Yr.1 & Yr.2 and  singing The Yellow Submarine at Gustonbury

Summer choir

The Willow Class will be taking part in the EYFS/KS1 Summer Songs Choir on July 18th at 2:15 pm in the school hall

School trips

This Term the children will be visiting Forte Burgoyne on Friday 7th June and going on a bug hunt! ( re-scheduled from Term 5 )

9th July the children will be visiting Dover Castle, more information to follow.

Transition Mornings

The children will be spending time with their new Class on the 4th, 11th & 18th July

School Day

Drop of is between 8:30 – 8:45am and Collection is 3:00pm at the mobile

Water bottles /snack

Please can you send your child to school with a clean, named water bottle each day. We have fruit to give to the children at story time. If you choose to send in their own snack for snack time it needs to be a healthy option and in a named container.

Little Wandle Reading Books

If appropriate your child will bring home a book from the Little Wandle reading scheme. This book has been matched to their individual reading ability which will allow them to apply their phonics knowledge to read the book independently at home. Please ensure you sign their reading record so we know you have listened to your child read. Books will be changed on Monday and Thursday.

Reading for pleasure

Each afternoon the children will choose a story book to bring home to share. These books are for you to read to your child. It would be lovely if you could encourage your child to talk about the story. Please ensure the books are returned once you have shared the story together, so they can choose another book to bring home.

.Naming uniform

Please can you ensure all items of your child’s school uniform including shoes are named. It is very difficult at the end of the day when we have multiple jumpers that are not named. Although the children seem to be able to do the smell test, this does not always work.


This year the children’s PE lessons will be taught by Adventure Sports, supported by the EYFS team. Please send your child to school in their PE clothes every Wednesday. This Term the children will be focusing on Athletics to support activities in the upcoming Sports Day.

Contact Information

We try to have an open door policy in Willow Class and we strive to work with parents to ensure all children are happy and progressing at school. Feel free to talk to me in the morning or afternoon. If this isn’t a suitable time for yourself, you can email any questions/information you may have to Karen.powell@guston.kent.sch.uk


Karen Powell
























Files to Download

Willow Class (Reception): News items

Newsletter 12 July 2024, by Mrs Surendorff

Newsletter and WOTW 14/6/24, by Mrs Surendorff

Willow Class (Reception): Blog items

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Willow Class (Reception): Gallery items

Homes for a Gruffalo, by Mrs Powell

Blossom trees, by Mrs Powell

Willow Class (Reception): Calendar items

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Friendship, Compassion, Equality, Endurance and Forgiveness