
Inclusion is at the heart of what we do as a school. As part of our Christian ethos we want every child to feel included regardless of educational needs, mental health, disability, gender, race or religion.

The school's Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Tracey Tee, fulfills the role many know as SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and FLO (Family Liaison Officer) and can be contacted at anytime by phone 01304 206847 or email


SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) 

Any child may require additional support at school to achieve their potential. For some children a targeted short intervention may address a learning gap, but for others with complex physical, learning or emotional needs this support may be ongoing. Assessment of children is constant in the school both for academic and emotional progress and engagement.  When a child is identified with persistent difficulties the school will use its best endeavours to identify if they have an ongoing difficulty. If so, they will meet with you to discuss how best to support them and will add them to the SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disabilities) register. Your class teacher is the first point of contact for SEND and is responsible for planning appropriate support and learning opportunities to allow full access tothe curriculum. They will work closely with Mrs Tee who will monitor progress, complete specific assessments, suggest individualised approaches to learning or access external resources to support the teacher, your child and the wider family. The school values your input and asks you to attend all parent meetings and talk openly about your child's strengths and difficulties. Details of our approach to SEND are included in the Inclusion and SEND Information Policy, see below. 

In addition, we try to signpost external services, so please check back regularly. Let the office or Tracey Tee know if you have any events, groups or websites that you feel could help others.


Additional Information


Since January 2015 the new SEND  code of Practice: 0 to 25 years has been in place. Click on the hyperlink below to see the full document, updates and easy read guide for parents. 

SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years


Every local authority must publish a Local Offer. The SEND Local Offer tells you what support is available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, and their families. It should include information about education, health and care provision. It should also tell you about training, employment and independent living for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. 

Kent Local Offer


The Iask site offers independent support for parents of children with SEND. 

Independent Advice and Support Kent

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Friendship, Compassion, Equality, Endurance and Forgiveness